Tuesday 6 May 2014

Grace of Dhuha

Suddenly, I feel that something need to be share with uolls... ahaks, speaking London gituu Gebu pagi-pagi ni hah.. Salam barakah semua... Apa khabar kalian waktu-waktu macam ni? Gebu doakan sihat sejahtera hendaknya... Amin... Tengah sibuk menaip kat ofis time-time gini, teringat pulak sepotong ayat yang diriwayatkan dari Abdullah bin Amr radhiyallahu ta'ala anhu, bahawa Nabi shallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda : 

 “Sampaikanlah dariku walau hanya satu ayat” (HR. Bukhari)
(credit to muslim.or.id)

Oleh yang demikian, terdetiklah rasa keinsafan yang sekelumit ini untuk berkongsi... Tak salah kota rasanya nak share apa yang kita taw dengan orang lain... Sharing is Caring kan... Yes... Lets start with Dhuha first? Why Gebu choose to talk about Dhuha... Because our Prophet Rasulullah S.W.T never leave Dhuha without excuse... Thats why, we need to know the benefits of Dhuha and train ourself to perform Dhuha as well...
Rasulullah SAW tidak pernah meninggalkan solat ini tanpa keuzuran dan umat Islam amat dituntut melakukannya. Abu Hurairah pernah berkata: “Rasulullah SAW berwasiat kepadaku tiga perkara agar jangan ditinggalkan puasa tiga hari tiap bulan, dua raka’at Dhuha dan Witir sebelum tidur."
What is Dhuha?
Salat al-Duha or Sibhat al-Duha, Sibha meaning a supererogatory prayer in general and Duha meaning morning, mid-morning, or late morning. This is the name that reoccurs the most in the narrations. (credit to 

Time perform Dhuha
The time of Dhuha begins when the sun is about a spear’s length above the horizon and
it continues until the sun reaches its meridian. It is preferred to delay it until the sun has risen high and the day has become hot.

Number of Rak'ahs
The minimum number of rak’ahs to be prayed is two. The most that the Prophet
(SAW) performed was eight rak’ahs. Umm Hani narrated that the Prophet (SAW)
prayed eight rak’ahs of Dhuha and made the taslim after every two rak’ahs.
(Abu Dawud)

After the completion of the prayer, one is recommended to recite the following du’a:

Thats all for today... Although its just a little sharing, I hape that will give uolss some benefits and added knowledge...

Ayuh Dhuha dan istiqamah bersamanya... In sha Allah... remind myself and others.


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